<JavaScript && React>
Reskill with the hottest web front-end framework, used in the world’s best websites, such as Netflix, Instagram, Facebook and AirBnB. All of this fully REMOTE and in your AFTER WORK time!
Become a stronger web developer with our experienced team. They know what they preach, and they sure know how to teach!
In today's day and age, developing software is above and foremost, developing for the web. JavaScript IS the programming language of the Web. It runs on the client and on the server. It runs on the desktop and mobile devices. Basically, it runs everywhere. The truth is that you can not take web development seriously without properly mastering this dynamic and powerful programming language.
In this course, we will take you on a journey to JavaScript enlightenment, starting on the very fundamentals and underlying protocols of the Web. We will go through key JavaScript concepts such as scoping, closures, inheritance and functional programming style, moving to advanced topics such as concurrency and asynchrounous programming. This will give you the powers to write modern and efficient JavaScript.
No stone will be left unturned! This truly is a #FromZeroToHero JavaScript course!
The Web Platform2 hours
Introduction to JavaScript8 hours
JavaScript Deep Dive14 hours
Asynchronous Programming8 hours
ES6 and Modern JavaScript8 hours
What are the requirements to do it?
How long is it?
What is the class schedule like?
Is it remote?
How is the selection made?
How much does it cost?
How can I apply?
If I have any questions, how can I reach you?
How does <Get Bundle> work?
It’s a freaking no brainer! If all you want is to start your journey as a Web Developer or you are looking for a way to take your skills to the next level with the hottest stack in the market, you came to the right place!
We have everything you need to become a true Web Developer bo$$.
Need we say more?! Just buckle up && start your journey A$AP
// If you are still not convinced drop us a word && we'll gladly call you back. The only thing we love more than code is people. Trust us! #StartReactingToday